Thanks for booking a Slowbear Massage appointment. In a commitment to plain English communications, let me tell you what happens with the information you give me (your data).
In the first instance, I will be asking, in the booking app, for basic information like Name, Mobile Number and Email. I may contact you occaisionally to remind you of my services and any offers. I will not share your contact details with anyone else, or use them for anything other than Slowbear Massage business.
The second type of information I may collect is clinical information, where you tell me about the parts of your body that are painful and we decide what type of treatment is needed. I will be guided by health and wellbeing information that you give me, like allergies, dietary habits, exercise and the like. The information that you give me is totally private to you and will not be shared with anyone, except a healthcare professional if there is an emergency.
I may also collect information about your pain and how it changes. I will be monitoring this data to ensure that my work does reduce pain, as well as improve mobility and quality of life. You will never be identifiable in this data. I would only report this in these sorts of terms “x number of clients have seen y% of pain relief”.
Your data will be kept on a secure password protected cloud site or on paper in a locked cabinet.
I hope that this helps you understand how I use and store your data. If you have any questions, please contact me.