Why Slow Bear?

I’m often called Bear! But I also admire the strength and tenderness that bears can show in the wild, so the name reflects those aspects of my practice.

Why can’t I book you during the week?

I still have a full-time job elsewhere, so my appointments are limited to Fridays and Saturday mornings, especially when there is a Park Run nearby.

This is primarily a hobby, and therapeutic for me too! My charges are so that I can pay for the training, insurance and updates to my work.

What qualifications do you have?

Here is a copy of my Level 2 Sports Massage Diploma

How long are your sessions and how much?

Generally a massage session is an hour long for a whole body massage, but I do offer short sports warm up sessions on Saturday mornings and longer therapeutic sessions. More details are available when you look at the booking page.

What oil do you use?

I use argan oil from Morrocco. It has just the right amount of friction and doesn’t leave greasy skin. I blend my own with a little warming orange essential oil. If you are allergic to nuts, I also have a hypoallergic lotion to use instead.

Do you massage children?

Absolutely! Children need to learn the benefits of improved range of motion and the dangers of not treating damage. I have several long term injuries, all stemming from untreated damage in the childhood. However, parents must be present during the treatment at all times.

You use Thai yoga techniques. Does that mean you are a Bhuddist now?

I certainly use movement and compression techniques from traditional Thai massage, as well as other evidence based techniques from other practices. It no more makes no more involved in the relgious aspects of Thai culture than buying a hot cross bun makes one a Christian.

Do I have to get naked?

Definitely not. Some of the fascial mobilisation techniques I use work best with hand pressure on skin, but that can also work through clothes.

You mentioned fibromyalgia…..

Yes, I have chronic migraines, over half of my waking life is a migraine at the moment. I also experience full body fibro type symptoms, so I am very aware of the challenges of chronic pain syndromes like fibro, CPS, central nervous sensitisation and migraines. So, I want to specialise in that area, as very few massage therapists are aware of extreme pain sensations. To help you, I am offering your first session, including consultation, for free. Let me know when you book.